
Less work, more flow

Tiny Hands Consulting can help you get your startup started up. This results in more flow since most of the work in the starting up. Though we love to start to things up. But mostly so that you see less work but more flow.

Twin Snakes

We can help start up your snakes. To make sure they are flowing in the optimal manner.

Circling G's

The awarding Tiny Hand Circling G's are the symbol of Tiny Hands and Shuffleboards. The two things you need to make sure your startup is started up with quality.

Rocking to the Moon

Tiny Hands Shuffleboard Consulting wouldn't be a startup, or a consulting firm if we weren't committed to shooting Shuffleboards into space.

Battling Nets

Battling Tiny Hands and Nets. That is the difference Tiny Hands Consulting will bring to your startup.

Broadcast Technology

Of course our Tiny Hands are wireless, allowing us to work from anywhere. So we can make sure your startup can start up anywhere.

Growth Spa

We have been helping startups not only start up but grow in our Growth Spa.


Tiny Hands = Big Robots

We have tiny hands so of course we bring big robots to help us, help your startup.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Physical Robots
  • Machine Learning
  • Robots with Tiny Hands